After being forced to go remote during the pandemic like many schools across the nation, Open Window School decided it was capable of delivering an intentional program for fourth and fifth graders, rather than forcing an in-person program to the online world. Knowing the number of students in need of a gifted learning program throughout the region, the school community embarked on the journey to creating Open Window Online.
The private school for gifted students wanted the new Open Window Online brand to stand on its own, yet complement the Open Window School brand. The goal was to position Open Window Online as an innovative program that would elevate the overall school, both brick-and-mortar and online, as a whole.
JayRay led the Open Window Online branding process, which included facilitating a brand team, conducting surveys and presenting workshops. Every element of the branding process represented members across the school community: faculty, staff, alumni and current parents of Open Window School.
Together with the brand team, we developed the Open Window Online brand platform, visual approach and logo, and brand guide. We also created website templates, a brand launch and marketing plan, and provided design support for internal documents, postcards and media buys.
The colorful logo and graphic design are subtly sophisticated and appealing to prospective students—and their parents. The visuals and messages support the brand themes of removing limits and building connections. Open Window Online aims to present itself as engaging, welcoming, nurturing, inspiring and curious.
Open Window Online reaches beyond its Bellevue market to include students as far away as Vancouver, Washington. The online school is now enrolling for fall 2023.