City of Tacoma
Show some love
The Situation
The City of Tacoma committed to a Vision Zero Action Plan with the goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2035. Each year in Tacoma, more than 80 people are killed or sustain life-changing injuries — that’s one person every five days. While the city remains focused on street design, safety improvements, etc., they wanted our support with the important priority of educating drivers.
Encouraging People to Show Some Love
We dove into conceptualizing a driver safety campaign, using a positive social marketing framework and results from diverse community focus groups. Outdoor advertising, posters and yard signs were strategically placed in areas that have seen the most incidents while a YouTube, social and digital campaigns reached people across the city. Campaign materials were created in six languages.
Reminding People to Slow Down
The city council also passed an ordinance to lower Tacoma’s speed limit on residential streets to 20 M.P.H. and the limit in four business districts to 30 M.P.H. In advance of the Jan.1 law going into effect, we prepared a campaign (that complemented the previous Show Some Love effort) to remind people to slow down.