Today, Metro Parks Tacoma unveiled its new identity as Parks Tacoma.
With the brand established, Parks Tacoma partnered with JayRay to create a launch plan for introducing the new identity to Tacoma residents. While the Parks Tacoma team focused on the intricate details of the brand transition and media relations, JayRay developed a multifaceted advertising campaign and social content. This included an ad strategy, organic and paid social media, digital banners, audio, YouTube and print ads. JayRay also created vinyl clings for employees to hand out and temporary park signage.
The simplified Parks Tacoma brand strengthens the organization’s mission by making its visual identity more cohesive and connected across all platforms.
From Parks Tacoma:
“Research shows that while people view us positively, there is limited understanding of the full range of places and programs we offer. The use of multiple visual identities has contributed to this confusion. Our new brand is designed to unify and clarify our message. As we roll out new signage and materials, this vision will become more evident.”
The brand’s new logo is inspired by the salal leaf, an enduring symbol of resilience and nourishment native to the Pacific Northwest. For generations, the salal leaf has supported local tribes, representing Parks Tacoma’s commitment to enriching the community through nature, play and inclusive spaces.
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